Astradental Offers Dental

Beyond Brushing: You...

A white smile is often synonymous with good oral health and hygiene, signifying confidence and well-being. With the increasing popularity of teeth whitening, a multitude of options now exists to help individuals achieve a brighter and more confident smile. This blog delves into the diverse landscape of teeth whitening, exploring the various types, potential side effects, considerations for product safety, and the plethora of options available. Grounded in the guidelines of the Kenyan Dental Association and the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), this information ensures a secure and effective approach to teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening methods encompass a spectrum of choices:

Over-the-Counter Whitening Products: These include easily accessible options like toothpaste, strips, and gels that don’t require a prescription. While convenient for at-home use, they may necessitate more time to yield noticeable results.

Professional Teeth Whitening: Administered by a dentist in a clinical setting, this method employs powerful whitening agents for faster and more dramatic results.

Home Whitening Kits: Dentist-prescribed kits designed for at-home use typically involve custom-made trays and professional-grade whitening gel.

Natural Remedies: Some individuals opt for natural remedies like activated charcoal, baking soda, or oil pulling. However, caution is advised as the effectiveness varies, and potential damage to tooth enamel must be considered.

Understanding the causes of tooth stains is imperative for an effective teeth-whitening approach. Stains can be extrinsic, resulting from surface factors like pigmented food, beverages, and tobacco, or intrinsic, originating within the tooth due to aging, trauma, or excessive fluoride exposure.

What’s the difference between bleaching and whitening?

Bleaching: Involves using products containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to alter the natural tooth color.

Whitening: Encompasses the removal of surface stains through various means, including bleaching agents or abrasive substances.

While teeth whitening is generally safe, potential side effects include tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and enamel damage. Adhering to safety guidelines is crucial:

Whitening Product Safety: Ensure products bear the KEBS mark, signifying compliance with safety standards, and strictly follow recommended usage instructions.

Professional teeth whitening involves a consultation to assess oral health and determine the most suitable whitening method. These treatments are customized to individual needs, minimizing risks and maximizing results.

Safety considerations encompass consulting healthcare professionals for pregnant or nursing women, addressing teeth whitening for underage individuals cautiously, and resolving pre-existing dental conditions before pursuing whitening treatments.

In conclusion, achieving a brighter smile is attainable with the array of teeth whitening options available. By adhering to the guidelines provided by the Kenyan Dental Association and KEBS, individuals can confidently embark on their journey towards a dazzling, confident smile. It’s essential to remember that a healthy smile is a beautiful smile, and maintaining good oral hygiene practices complements any teeth whitening endeavor.

Astradental Offers Dental

Unlock a Brighter Sm...

Are you ready to flash a dazzling smile that radiates confidence? Look no further because we have an incredible offer that will leave your teeth shining brighter than ever before. At Astradental Clinic, we are excited to announce our exclusive 60% off teeth cleaning promotion, designed to help you achieve the oral health and radiant smile you deserve.

Why Teeth Cleaning Matters

Before we dive into the details of our amazing offer, let’s first understand why regular teeth cleaning is essential for your overall oral health. Routine teeth cleaning, also known as dental prophylaxis, plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

1. Plaque and Tartar Removal: Over time, plaque (a soft, sticky film of bacteria) can build up on your teeth and harden into tartar. Tartar is difficult to remove with regular brushing and flossing. Professional teeth cleaning helps eliminate both plaque and tartar, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Fresh Breath:  Bacteria in your mouth can contribute to bad breath. Teeth cleaning not only removes bacteria but also leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean.

3. Prevention of Gum Disease: Regular teeth cleaning can help prevent or manage gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. These conditions can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

4. Brighter Smile: Removing stains and discoloration caused by food, drinks, and tobacco can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth, giving you a brighter and more attractive smile.

Our 60% Off Teeth Cleaning Offer

Now, let’s get to the exciting part – our exclusive offer! For a limited time, you can enjoy a 60% discount on our professional teeth cleaning services. Here’s what you can expect:

Comprehensive Examination: Our experienced dental team will begin by conducting a thorough examination of your oral health to identify any potential issues.

Precision Cleaning: We will use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to remove plaque, tartar, and stains from your teeth, ensuring a clean and refreshed smile.

Polishing and Finishing: After cleaning your teeth, we will polish them to a smooth and shiny finish, leaving you with a radiant smile.
Personalized Advice: Our dentists will provide you with personalized oral care tips to maintain your new, healthy smile at home.

Why Choose Astradental?

At Astradental, we are committed to providing top-notch dental care and ensuring our patient’s comfort and satisfaction. Here’s why you should choose us:

1. Experienced Team: Our skilled and friendly dental professionals have years of experience in delivering high-quality dental services.

2. Cutting-Edge Technology: We invest in the latest dental technology to ensure efficient and effective treatments.

3. Patient-Centric Approach: Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. We tailor our treatments to meet your specific needs.

4. Affordable Pricing: Our 60% off teeth cleaning offer is a testament to our dedication to making dental care accessible to all.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to revitalize your smile and prioritize your oral health. Schedule your appointment with us today to take advantage of our 60% off teeth cleaning offer. Act fast because this offer won’t last forever!

Remember, a healthy and beautiful smile is just a dental appointment away. Contact us at 0727591579 or 0732561588 to book your appointment and unlock the brilliance of your smile. Your journey to a healthier, more confident you start here at Astradental.

Health Oral

Fluorosis: Causes, P...

At Astradental, we know that a beautiful smile can change everything. That’s why we’re excited to offer masking, a cosmetic dental procedure that can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. In this blog post, we’ll explain what masking is, what causes it, how to prevent it, and what treatment options are available. Plus, we’ll tell you about our current masking offer so you can save on this life-changing procedure.

What is Masking?

Masking is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves placing a thin layer of material over the surface of a tooth to change its appearance. This material can be made of a variety of materials, including composite resin, porcelain, or ceramic. Masking can be used to correct a variety of cosmetic issues, including tooth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth, gaps between teeth, and more.

What Causes Fluorosis?

There are several factors that can cause tooth discoloration and other cosmetic issues that can be corrected with masking. Some common causes of masking include:

  • Aging: As we age, our teeth can become discolored and worn down, leading to a less youthful appearance.
  • Genetics: Some people are born with teeth that are naturally discolored or misshapen.
  • Lifestyle factors: Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, can stain your teeth over time. Smoking and using other tobacco products can also cause discoloration.
  • Trauma: Teeth can become chipped or broken due to injury or trauma.

How to Prevent Fluorosis

While masking is an effective way to correct cosmetic dental issues, it’s always better to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile:

  • Brush and floss regularly: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay.
  • Limit your intake of staining foods and drinks: If you do consume coffee, tea, or red wine, rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize the staining effect.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking and using other tobacco products can cause tooth discoloration and other oral health issues.
  • Wear a mouthguard: If you play sports or engage in other activities that could result in dental trauma, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth.

Treatment Options for Fluorosis

At Astradental, we offer a variety of treatment options for Fluorosis, our masking options include composite resin, porcelain, and ceramic. Our team of experienced dental professionals will work with you to determine the best option for your unique needs and goals. The procedure is minimally invasive and can often be completed in just one visit to our office.

Take Advantage of Our Masking Offer

We’re currently offering a special promotion on masking. From now until May 31, 2023, you can save 20% on per tooth on masking. This is a limited-time offer, so be sure to book your appointment here soon to take advantage of this incredible deal.

At Astradental, we’re committed to helping our patients achieve their best possible smiles. Contact us today to schedule your masking appointment and take the first step toward a brighter, more confident smile.

Children Oral

Dental Care for Chil...

Why is it so important?

Dental health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being, especially for children and teenagers. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help prevent a wide range of dental problems, from cavities and gum disease to tooth loss and jaw problems.

What can Parents do?

One of the most important things parents can do to promote good dental health in their children is to teach them the basics of proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing. Children should be taught to brush their teeth twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste, and to floss daily. Parents should also supervise children’s brushing and flossing until they are able to do it on their own.

Healthy Diets…

Another key aspect of dental health for children and teenagers is a healthy diet. A diet that is high in sugar and processed foods can lead to cavities and other dental problems. Parents should encourage their children to eat a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods.

Regular Dental Checkups…

Regular dental check-ups are also essential for maintaining good dental health. Children should see a dentist at least once a year, and more often if they have any dental problems or are at high risk of developing them. During these check-ups, the dentist will examine the child’s teeth, gums, and jaw, and will clean the teeth as needed. They may also apply fluoride treatments or sealants to protect the child’s teeth from decay.

Do not forget about special needs too…

In addition to these basic preventive measures, parents should also be aware of any special needs their child may have. Children with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or a weakened immune system, may be at higher risk for dental problems and may need extra care and attention.

In conclusion, dental health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being, especially for children and teenagers. Proper oral hygiene, a healthy diet, and regular dental check-ups are all key to maintaining good dental health. Parents can help promote good dental health in their children by teaching them the basics of proper oral hygiene, encouraging a healthy diet, and scheduling regular dental check-ups.

Health Oral

Bad Breath(Halitosis...

What is bad breath?

It is also known as halitosis or fetor oris. Bad breath can cause significant worry, embarrassment, and anxiety but it is relatively easy to remedy.

Fast facts on bad breath

Here are some key points about bad breath. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.

  • Bad breath is estimated to affect 1 in 4 people globally.
  • The most common cause of halitosis is bad oral hygiene.
  • If particles of food are left in the mouth, their breakdown by bacteria produces sulfur compounds.
  • Keeping the mouth hydrated can reduce mouth odor.
  • The best treatment for bad breath is regular brushing, flossing, and hydration.

What is halitosis?

Share on PinterestAlthough bad breath is associated with certain diseases, oral hygiene is the most common cause.

Bad breath is a common problem that can cause significant psychological distress. There are a number of potential causes and treatments available.

Anyone can suffer from bad breath. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people have bad breath on a regular basis.

Halitosis is the third most common reason that people seek dental care, after tooth decay and gum disease.

Simple home remedies and lifestyle changes, such as improved dental hygiene and quitting smoking, can often remove the issue. If bad breath persists, however, it is advisable to visit a doctor to check for underlying causes.


The best method to reduce halitosis is good oral hygiene. This ensures that cavities are avoided and reduces the likelihood of gum disease.

It is recommended that individuals visit the dentist for a check-up and cleaning twice a year.

The dentist may recommend a toothpaste that includes an antibacterial agent or an antibacterial mouthwash.

Alternatively, if gum disease is present, professional cleaning may be necessary to clear out the build-up of bacteria in pockets between the gums and teeth.


Potential causes of bad breath include:

  • Tobacco: Tobacco products cause their own types of mouth odor. Additionally, they increase the chances of gum disease which can also cause bad breath.
  • Food: The breakdown of food particles stuck in the teeth can cause odors. Some foods such as onions and garlic can also cause bad breath. After they are digested, their breakdown products are carried in the blood to the lungs where they can affect the breath.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva naturally cleans the mouth. If the mouth is naturally dry or dry due to a specific disease, such as xerostomia, odors can build up.
  • Dental hygiene: Brushing and flossing ensure the removal of small particles of food that can build up and slowly break down, producing odor. A film of bacteria called plaque builds up if brushing is not regular. This plaque can irritate the gums and cause inflammation between the teeth and gums called periodontitis. Dentures that are not cleaned regularly or properly can also harbor bacteria that cause halitosis.
  • Crash diets: Fasting and low-carbohydrate eating programs can produce halitosis. This is due to the breakdown of fats producing chemicals called ketones. These ketones have a strong aroma.
  • Drugs: Certain medications can reduce saliva and, therefore, increase odors. Other drugs can produce odors as they breakdown and release chemicals in the breath. Examples include nitrates used to treat angina, some chemotherapy chemicals, and some tranquilizers, such as phenothiazines. Individuals who take vitamin supplements in large doses can also be prone to bad breath.
  • Mouth, nose, and throat conditions: Sometimes, small, bacteria-covered stones can form on the tonsils at the back of the throat and produce odor. Also, infections or inflammation in the nose, throat, or sinuses can cause halitosis.
  • Foreign body: Bad breath can be caused if they have a foreign body lodged in their nasal cavity, especially in children.
  • Diseases: Some cancers, liver failure, and other metabolic diseases can cause halitosis, due to the specific mixes of chemicals that they produce. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause bad breath due to the regular reflux of stomach acids.

Rarer causes of bad breath

As mentioned earlier, the most common reason for bad breath is oral hygiene, but other situations can also be to blame.

Rarer causes of bad breath include:

  • Ketoacidosis: When the insulin levels of a person with diabetes are very low, their bodies can no longer use sugar and begin to use fat stores instead. When fat is broken down, ketones are produced and build up. Ketones can be poisonous when found in large numbers and produce a distinctive and unpleasant breath odor. Ketoacidosis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.
  • Bowel obstruction: Breath can smell like feces if there has been a prolonged period of vomiting, especially if a bowel obstruction is present.
  • Bronchiectasis: This is a long-term condition in which airways become wider than normal, allowing for a build-up of mucus that leads to bad breath.
  • Aspiration pneumonia: A swelling or infection in the lungs or airways due to inhaling vomit, saliva, food, or liquids.


The specific odor of breath can vary depending on the cause of the problem. It is best to ask a close friend or relative to gauge your mouth odor, as it can be difficult to assess it yourself.

If no one is available, one way of checking the odor is to lick your wrist, leave it to dry, and then smell it. A bad smell on this area of the wrist is likely to suggest that you have halitosis.

Some individuals are concerned about their breath even though they may have little or no mouth odor. This condition is called halitophobia and can lead to obsessive mouth-cleansing behavior.

Home remedies

Share on PinterestOral hygiene is the key to most bad breath issues.

Other lifestyle changes and home remedies for bad breath include:

  • Brush the teeth: Be sure to brush at least twice a day, preferably after each meal.
  • Floss: Flossing reduces the build-up of food particles and plaque from between the teeth. Brushing only cleans around 60 percent of the surface of the tooth.
  • Clean dentures: Anything that goes into your mouth, including dentures, a bridge, or a mouth guard, should be cleaned as recommended on a daily basis. Cleaning prevents the bacteria from building up and being transferred back into the mouth. Changing toothbrush every 2 to 3 months is also important for similar reasons.
  • Brush tongue: Bacteria, food, and dead cells commonly build up on the tongue, especially in smokers or those with a particularly dry mouth. A tongue scraper can sometimes be useful.
  • Avoid dry mouth: Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, both of which dehydrate the mouth. Chewing gum or sucking a sweet, preferably sugar-free, can help stimulate the production of saliva. If the mouth is chronically dry, a doctor may prescribe medication that stimulates the flow of saliva.
  • Diet: Avoid onions, garlic, and spicy food. Sugary foods are also linked to bad breath. Reduce coffee and alcohol consumption. Eating a breakfast that includes rough foods can help clean the back of the tongue.

If breath odor persists despite controlling these factors, it is recommended that an individual visits a doctor for further tests to rule out other conditions.


Often, a dentist will simply smell the breath of a person with suspected halitosis and rate the odor on a six-point intensity scale. The dentist may scrape the back of the tongue and smell the scrapings as this area can often be a source of the aroma.

There are a variety of sophisticated detectors that can rate odor more precisely.

They include the following:

  • Halimeter: This detects low levels of sulfur.
  • Gas chromatography: This test measures three volatile sulfur compounds: Hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.
  • BANA test: This measures levels of a specific enzyme produced by halitosis-causing bacteria.
  • Beta-galactosidase test: Levels of the enzyme beta-galactosidase have been found to correlate with mouth odor.

Our dentists at Astradental services will then be able to identify the likely cause of the bad breath.

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